Agriculture Prevailing Wage Survey

The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC) is gathering data to determine the agricultural prevailing wage in Missouri.** Prevailing wage rates are used to ensure that farm workers receive equal pay. Completion of the survey will ensure the establishment of an accurate wage rate.

The information you supply is confidential and protected by the Federal Privacy Act. All information will be combined with that of other growers/handlers within Missouri to ensure individually identifiable information is not released. The survey answers should be based on your harvest or production season. If you are not within your harvest/production season, the survey should be completed based upon the last year’s season. If you hire temporary workers who work as farm construction laborers (rather than crop workers or livestock tenders), we would appreciate you completing the survey, too.

Please complete the online survey within 14 days by logging on to our website at:

For assistance or additional information about this survey, please contact the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC) at Thank you for your participation.