
Data Exploration

Economic Data


Economic Data

Cost of Living

Last Updated: 06/06/2024

MERIC derives the cost of living index for each state by averaging the indices of participating cities and metropolitan areas in that state. Missouri had the sixth lowest cost of living in the United States for the first quarter in 2024.

View Current Cost of Living

County Average Wages

Last Updated: 07/10/2024

These figures are derived from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages. A cooperative program between the US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Missouri Department of Economic Development.

View County Average Wages


Last Updated: 5/07/2024

View Export Data

Gross Domestic Product

Last Updated: 11/30/2023

The broadest measure of economic activity is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Gross Domestic Product by State (GSP) measures the value-added from industries in a state.

View Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Data Series

Income Measures

Last Updated: 06/10/2022

View Income Measures

LMI Quick Reference Guide

Last Updated: 4/25/2022

Labor Market Information Quick Reference Guide outlining data tools, descriptions, uses and links to products from employment data, wages, labor force data, demographics to career planning products.

LMI Quick Reference

Purchasing Manager's Index

Last Updated: 07/08/2024

Missouri’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for June was 61.8, increasing 6.6 points from May indicating an expanding economy, according to the monthly Mid-America Business Conditions Survey, conducted by Creighton University, Omaha, NE.

View PMI


Last Updated: 07/26/2024

Current Employment Situation Releases

View Unemployment Rates

Industry Data


Industry Data

Current Employment Statistics (CES)

Last Updated: 2/17/2022

This survey of payroll records covers over 300,000 businesses on a monthly basis and provides detailed industry data on employment, hours, and earnings of workers on nonfarm payrolls for the States and Nation.

View Current Employment Statistics

Industry Employment Projections

Last Updated: 4/1/2021

Browse industry employment projections by region or specific industry in this interactive application. Employment projections give an overview of where the Missouri economy may be headed based on past and present trends. The purpose is to offer some insight into questions regarding the future growth or decline of industries and occupations.

View Industry Employment Projections

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

Last Updated: 3/09/2022

The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program is a cooperative program involving the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor and the State Workforce Agencies (SWA's). The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by State unemployment insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program. Publicly available files include data on the number of establishments, monthly employment, and quarterly wages, by NAICS industry and by ownership (Private, Federal, State or Local Government). Data for various geographic levels including counties are available.

View QCEW by Geographic Area      View QCEW by Industry

Occupational Data


Occupational Data

Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (OEWS)

Last Updated: 7/15/2020

The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program is a Federal-State cooperative effort that produces employment and wage estimates for about 800 different occupations. In Missouri, the program is operated by the Missouri Department of Economic Development/Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC) in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

View Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

Occupational Projections

Last Updated: 6/8/2020

Occupational projections are calculated by applying staffing patterns supplied by the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program to industry projections. Occupational projections differ from industry projections, however, in that occupational projections include self-employed workers.

View Occupational Projections

Career Pathways

Last Updated: 8/20/2021

Career Pathways are a sequence of training and education programs designed to develop a person’s academic and technical skills. By obtaining stackable credentials and developing new skills a worker can advance over time to successively higher levels of education and employment in a given industry or occupational sector.

View Career Pathways

Demographic Data


Demographic Data


Last Updated: 11/18/2021

The U.S. Census Bureau publishes population demographics based on data collected through the Decennial Census and annual American Community Survey. Decennial Census demographic profiles provide data on age and sex distributions, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship and type. The American Community Survey provides data, collected on an on-going basis, on education, language, housing and jobs. This series will feature county trends and statistics for the state of Missouri.

View Population Data

WIOA County Demographics

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State and Regional Labor Force and Demographic Data in an Excel File.

Last Updated: 6/21/2023


Special Studies


Special Studies

Many Languages of Missouri

Missouri Language Diversity 


View MOScores