Industry Employment Projections


About Projections - Employment projections are a multi-step process. Historic industry employment trends and other factors are analyzed to project future industry employment. Industry staffing patterns are then used to estimate occupational employment projections. The occupational projections estimate the number of new, transfer, and exit jobs openings that are expected to occur over the projection period.

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Long-Term Projection 2020-2030

All Industries

Data produced by Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC). Funding provided by U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA).
Geographic Area Employment
Estimated 2020
Projected 2030
Central Region 296,848 320,352 23,504 7.92%
Kansas City 583,997 636,177 52,180 8.94%
Missouri 2,945,668 3,161,445 215,777 7.33%
Northeast Region 83,883 86,346 2,463 2.94%
Northwest Region 99,916 100,710 794 0.79%
Ozark Region 250,197 279,425 29,228 11.68%
South Central Region 62,528 65,331 2,803 4.48%
Southeast Region 149,722 153,836 4,114 2.75%
Southwest Region 118,132 125,382 7,250 6.14%
St. Louis Region 1,120,239 1,201,727 81,488 7.27%
West Central Region 89,588 93,890 4,302 4.80%
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