Trendsights Newsletter

Career Pathway: Manufacturing
Career Pathways are groups of occupations within a career field that share common skills, knowledge, and interests. Manufacturing has industry-wide technical competencies that represent the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in this industry. Some of the skills needed for success in the industry include manufacturing process design, development, maintenance, repair, knowledge of and compliance with government regulations, as well as the ability to adapt and consider new ways of doing things. Possible pathways in manufacturing include roles in production, business operations and sales, and engineering and maintenance.
Occupational Handbook: Chemical Technicians
Chemical technicians conduct laboratory tests to help scientists analyze the properties of materials. Employment of chemical technicians in the U.S. is projected to grow 8 percent from 2023 to 2033, about as fast as the average for all occupations. In Missouri, chemical technicians had an average annual wage of $57,160. To enter the occupation, employees typically need an associate degree or two years of postsecondary education in applied science or chemical technology.
Order Career Grade Posters
The Missouri Career Grades poster provides a quick look at occupations in the state with the top outlook through 2032. This easy reference can be used to help spark conversations about career opportunities with best outlook at a variety of education and training levels. The 24 x 36 inch poster can be used by any organization providing career planning or job seeker services. Order the poster for delivery, or download a flyer-sized version in English or Spanish.
Target Industry: Energy Solutions
The Energy Solutions industry includes production, services, professional, scientific, and technical services, as well as wholesale and other services sectors. Energy Solutions represents almost 5 percent of total private sector employment in Missouri, employing 122,193 workers across 7,794 establishments in 2023.
Census Data Gem: How to find key housing trends and demographics
The U.S. Census Bureau provides a wide variety of data that can provide valuable insights into a community’s housing economy. This Data Gem video explores how to find critical information on local housing markets, such as housing value, occupancy, tenure, heating sources, expenses, and renter demographics.
In-Demand Information Technology Skills
Information Technology (IT) occupations are some of the most in-demand occupations in Missouri. Computer and Mathematical occupations, developing, and support occupations employed more than 86,000 people at an average wage of $88,750 in 2023. Employment in IT occupations is projected to grow 15.5 percent from 2022 to 2032. In the last year, there were over 36,000 online job ads in Missouri for selected Computer and Mathematical occupations, and the majority of job ads request applicants who are proficient in various computer programming languages. Click on the link above to learn more about these skills needed for these in-demand occupations.
Annual 2024 Quarter Cost of Living
Missouri had the sixth lowest cost of living in the United States for 2024, tying with Arkansas. In general, the most expensive areas to live were Hawaii, Alaska, the Northeast, and the West Coast. The least expensive areas were the Midwest and Southern states. MERIC derives the cost of living index for each state by averaging the indices of participating cities and metropolitan areas in that state. Missouri’s cost of living index for 2024 was 88.7.
Valentine's Day Fun Facts
Cupid has inspired consumers to lavish affection and spoil their loved ones with candy, gifts, and flowers. Spending is projected to reach a record $27.5 billion on Valentine’s Day this year, up from last year’s $25.8 billion. Click on the link above to learn more Fun Facts about Valentine’s Day.
Career Pathways: Construction
Career Pathways are groups of occupations within a career field that share common skills, knowledge, and interests. Construction depends heavily on delivering solidly built structures on a deadline, so the ability to plan, schedule, and follow directions while working on a team is important. Click on the link above to learn more about the Construction Career Pathway in the areas of skilled trades, and engineering, quality control.
Occupational Handbook: Graphic Designers
Graphic Designers create visual concepts either by hand or computer software to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and reports. The median annual average wage for Graphic Designers in Missouri was $48,000. The occupation is projected to have 414 openings each year through 2032 from exits, transfers, and growth.
Career Summary: South Central Region
The South Central region is projected to have nearly 7,500 annual job openings through 2032. The majority (79%) of these openings are in A, B, and C grade occupations. In general, higher graded occupations have higher wages and growth rates. Grade A occupations earn an average wage that is 63 percent higher than the average wage for all occupations in the region.
Industry Concentration Brief
Industry concentration analysis using location quotients (LQ) help identify the industries that are more specialized in an area. Businesses that are more specialized due to exporting goods and services, or because they draw customers in from outside the state, are important sources of new income. A high LQ for an industry indicates that the industry is more specialized, and employment is more concentrated for that industry in the state compared to the United States. Overall, the Manufacturing sector in Missouri has an LQ of 1.19, indicating the industry is more concentrated in the state than in the U.S.
Biosciences Career Pathway
Career Pathways are groups of occupations within a career field that share common skills, knowledge, and interests. The Biosciences industry involves the study of how living things function and interact with each other, and teaches how to ask questions, make observations, and solve problems. Click on the link above to see what skills are necessary to excel in the Biosciences industry.
Career Grades Report
The 2025 Career Grades report provides an analysis of the outlook of occupations based on projected employment trends and average wages. A letter grade is assigned to give a quick indication of the outlook for that occupation. For example, Grade A occupations, on average, earn 58 percent more than the average wage, while both Grade A and B occupations are projected to have more annual job openings than average. Career Grades can assist students, job seekers, displaced workers, educators, and workforce professionals choose careers that have the best outlook.
Career Grades by Region
The latest occupational projections show the estimated employment growth and openings for more than 800 occupations in Missouri statewide and by region. Career Grades are a tool to help make comparisons between those occupations. Each occupation is assigned a letter grade from A+ to F based on its outlook over the next decade. Grades are based on a combination of projected total job openings, projected percent growth, and current average wages. Click on the link to see Career Grades Summaries for Missouri and each region.
Gross Domestic Product by County
The broadest measure of economic activity is gross domestic product (GDP). According to estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Missouri ranked 21st nationally among states in total gross domestic product in 2023. Within Missouri, the top five counties for total GDP contribution were St. Louis County, Jackson County, St. Louis City, St. Charles County, and Greene County.
Career Pathways Update
A person can continue to build upon their skills and education throughout their career, often through career pathways within sectors. Career Pathways are groups of occupations within a career field that share common skills, knowledge, and interests. Pathways for 11 key industries in Missouri help outline possible career progression and the education and skills that support each step in the path. Updated data for all 11 key industries is available in these latest reports.
Online Job Postings - December 2024
There were 47,900 new job postings in Missouri in December 2024, according to data from Lightcast™. This was lower than the 52,740 postings in November 2024. The St. Louis region had 1,070 manufacturing industry job postings in December 2024, followed by the Kansas City (500), Central (370), Ozark (250), North (160), and Southwest (130) regions. Click on the link above to view more job postings for Missouri and its regions.
2019-2023 American Community Survey Estimates Released
The U.S. Census Bureau recently released new 2019-2023 American Community Survey five-year average data. These statistics cover a broad range of topics about social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics for all geographies, including the nation, states, counties, places, metros, and census tracts.
Winter Holiday Fun Facts
This holiday season, 9 in 10 shoppers plan to celebrate the holidays. Total holiday spending is forecasted to be more than $979 billion, with over $28.6 billion spent on gift cards alone. See this and other fun facts for travel plans, shipping, spending, and Christmas trees in this quick winter holiday outlook.
Career Grades Printable Flyers and Poster
The Missouri Career Grades poster provides a quick look at occupations in the state with the top outlook through 2032. This easy reference can be used to spark conversations about career opportunities with the best outlook at a variety of education and training levels. The 24 x 36 inch poster can be used by any organization providing career planning or job seeker services. Order the poster for delivery or download flyer-sized version in English or Spanish.
PNC Christmas Price Index
For 41 years, the whimsical holiday tradition of calculating the prices of the 12 gifts from the classic song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” continues. The total PNC Christmas Price Index increased 5.4 percent in 2024, totaling $49,263. The total cost of all the gifts bestowed by True Love when you count each repetition of the song reaches $209,272 for all 364 presents. The 10 Lords-a-Leaping is the most expensive gift in the song.
October Job Postings
Job postings increased 11.2 percent from October 2023 to October 2024. In October 2024, there were 63,290 online job postings compared to 56,940 in October 2023. Online job postings for Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing had the largest increase (36%), while Licensed Practical and Vocational Nurses had the largest decrease in online job postings (-7%).
Target Industry: Hospitality
The Hospitality industry is made up of the arts, entertainment, and recreation sector, such as museums, historical sites, amusements parks, casinos, and other recreation; accommodation including hotels, motels, and other traveler accommodations; and food service sectors like food and drinking places. Hospitality represents 12.5 percent of total private sector employment in Missouri, employing 308,672 workers across 16,516 establishments in 2023.