
 Missouri Economic Dashboard

What's New?


June Online Job Postings
There were 58,180 new job postings in Missouri in June 2024, according to data from Lightcast™. This was lower than the 61,960 postings in May 2024. The St. Louis region had 1,490 manufacturing industry job postings in June 2024, followed by the Kansas City (740), Central (290), Ozark (260), North (200), and Southwest (170) regions. Click on the link above to view more job postings for Missouri and its regions.
Missouri Business Applications Rise in May
New business applications in Missouri have increased for four consecutive months, including a jump from 7,125 in April to 7,386 in May. The new business formations data, collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, measures the number of Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) assigned to new entities for tax purposes and provide an early look at business formation activity in an area.


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